Teaching how METROPOLIS2 works to about 20 researchers and students, 7 sessions of 2 hours
Lucas Javaudin published on
0 min,
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Supervision of 8 students using METROPOLIS2 to study telecommuting in Paris urban area
Lucas Javaudin published on
0 min,
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Analysis of GIS data with Python and PostgreSQL, econometrics (time series, mixed Logit)
Lucas Javaudin published on
0 min,
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Theory in transportation economics, simulations using C++
Lucas Javaudin published on
0 min,
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Study of METROPOLIS, development of a web interface with the Django Framework
Lucas Javaudin published on
0 min,
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Study of land-use models and simulations with Python, review of literature on traffic assignment models
Lucas Javaudin published on
0 min,
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