Results of an agent, during a single iteration.
Arrival time at destination.
Departure time from origin.
Id of the agent.
Value must be greater or equal to 0.0
Mode-specific results.
Results for road modes.
Results from the within-day model, for a road mode of transportation.
Total time spent waiting at the in-bottleneck of an edge.
Total time spent waiting at the out-bottleneck of an edge.
Total time spent traveling on an edge.
The route taken by the vehicle, together with the timings of the events.
Timings for the event of an edge being taken by a vehicle.
Id of the edge taken.
Value must be greater or equal to 0.0
Time at which the vehicle enters the edge (i.e., it enters the in-bottleneck).
Alternative for modes with no additional results.
Results from the pre-day model.
Mode-specific pre-day results.
Choices when a road mode is chosen.
Results from the pre-day model, for a road mode of transportation.
Departure time from origin chosen.
Expected arrival time at destination.
Ids of edges representing the route chosen.
Value must be greater or equal to 0.0
Alternative for a mode with no pre-day choice.
Expected utility from the trip.
Index of the chosen mode.
Value must be greater or equal to 0.0
Utility resulting from the trip.