
Basic Principle

  • Metropolis is an iterative model
  • At each iteration, four models are run successively (network skims computation, pre-day model, within-day model and day-to-day model)
  • The simulation stops when a convergence criteria is met or when the maximum number of iterations is reached

Input of the Model

The input of Metropolis can be divided in three main categories:
  • Road network
  • Population (list of agents and their characteristics)
  • Simulation parameters
  • Id: 11484148
  • Purpose: Home to work
  • Origin: 951270127 (Cergy – Justice-Heuruelles)
  • Destination: 930661102 (Saint-Denis – Plaine 02)
  • Age: 39
  • Sex: male
  • Employed: Yes
  • Socioprofessional class: 3 (executive)
  • Driving license: Yes
  • Monthly household income: 3369 euros

Other Transport Simulators

  • Macroscopic 4-step models:
    • Antonin (Île-de-France Mobilités)
  • Agent-based models:
    • MATSim
    • SimMobility (MIT)
    • Emme (INRO)
    • Visum (PTV)

Transport Simulators

TODO literature review on transportation models with categories and summary tables / including a reminder on Metropolis 1
  • TransCAD (Caliper)
  • Emme-3 (INRO)
  • Visum / Vissim (PTV)
  • DYNASMART-P (McTrans)
  • Mezzo (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)
  • SimMobility (MIT)
  • MATSim (VSP TU-Berlin / IVT ETH Zurich)

Network skims computation

  • Input: time-dependent travel-time function for each road of the road-network graph
  • Step 1: compute a time-dependent Hierarchy Overlay of the graph
  • Step 2: compute search spaces for each origin and destination node
  • Step 3: compute profile queries for each origin-destination pair
  • Output: time-dependent travel-time function for each origin-destination pair (with at least one trip)
Geisberger, R. and Sanders, P., 2010. Engineering time-dependent many-to-many shortest paths computation. In 10th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS'10). Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik.

Pre-Day Model

  • Input: time-dependent travel-time function for each origin-destination pair
  • Departure-time choice: choose the departure time of the agent, given the travel-time function, the schedule-utility and travel-utility functions and the mode (continuous Logit model)
  • Route choice: choose the route that minimizes the travel time of the agent for the departure time chosen
  • Mode choice: choose the mode of the agent, given the expected utility for each mode available (Logit model, deterministic model or any other choice model)
  • Output: mode, departure-time and route chosen by each agent

Note. For some modes, there is no departure-time and route choice.

Day-to-Day Model

  • Input: expected and simulated time-dependent travel-time function for each road
  • Compute the expected travel-time functions for next iteration given the expected and simulated travel-time functions of current iteration, using a Markov process (e.g., exponential process with weight $\lambda$ for simulated values)
  • Stop the simulation if a stopping criteria is reached (e.g., maximum number of iterations, EXPECT threshold, departure-time shift threshold)
  • Output: expected time-dependent travel-time function for each road

Running Metropolis

Basic Principle

Running the Metropolis simulator can be summarized by these three steps:
  1. Write the input JSON files
  2. Run the simulator in a terminal
  3. Read and analyze the output JSON files

Input Files

Metropolis requires 3 input JSON files:
  • Road-network: list of edges with their characteristics, list of vehicle types with their characteristics
  • Agent file: list of the agents with their characteristics (including modes available)
  • Simulation parameters


  • Time: number of seconds since midnight (10AM is 36 000)
  • Travel time: number of seconds
  • Length: meters
  • Speed: meters per second (50 km/h is 50 ÷ 3.6 m/s)
  • Value of time: utility unit (e.g., €, $ or an abstract unit) per second
  • Flow: vehicle length (in meters) per second

Road Network JSON File

Example Road Network JSON File

  "graph": {
    "edges": [
          "base_speed": 10.0,
          "length": 10.0,
          "constant_travel_time": 1.0,
          "bottleneck_flow": 1.0,
          "lanes": 2,
          "speed_density": {
            "type": "FreeFlow"
          "overtaking": true
          "base_speed": 20.0,
          "length": 10.0,
          "speed_density": {
            "type": "ThreeRegimes",
            "value": {
              "beta": 1.1,
              "jam_density": 0.2,
              "jam_speed": 2.0,
              "min_density": 0.8
  "vehicles": [
      "headway": 10.0,
      "pce": 1.0
      "headway": 30.0,
      "pce": 5.0,
      "speed_function": {
        "type": "Piecewise",
        "value": [
      "restricted_edges": [

Agent JSON File

Example Agent JSON File

    "id": 1,
    "mode_choice": {
      "type": "Logit",
      "value": {
        "u": 0.5,
        "mu": 1.0
    "modes": [
        "type": "Trip",
        "value": {
          "legs": [
              "class": {
                "type": "Road",
                "value": {
                  "origin": 0,
                  "destination": 1,
                  "vehicle": 0
              "stopping_time": 600.0,
              "travel_utility": {
                "type": "Polynomial",
                "value": {
                  "a": 1.0,
                  "b": -0.003
              "schedule_utility": {
                "type": "None"
              "class": {
                "type": "Virtual",
                "value": 300.0
              "travel_utility": {
                "type": "Polynomial",
                "value": {
                  "b": -0.003
          "departure_time_model": {
            "type": "ContinuousChoice",
            "value": {
              "period": [
              "choice_model": {
                "type": "Logit",
                "value": {
                  "u": 0.5,
                  "mu": 1.0
          "origin_schedule_utility": {
            "type": "None"
          "destination_schedule_utility": {
            "type": "AlphaBetaGamma",
            "value": {
              "t_star_low": 30.0,
              "t_star_high": 30.0,
              "beta": 1.0,
              "gamma": 4.0
          "pre_compute_route": true
        "type": "Trip",
        "value": {
          "legs": [
              "class": {
                "type": "Virtual",
                "value": 900.0
          "departure_time_model": {
            "type": "Constant",
            "value": 50.0

Parameters JSON File

Example Parameters JSON File

  "period": [
  "network": {
    "road_network": {
      "recording_interval": 50.0,
      "approximation_bound": 1.0,
      "spillback": true,
      "max_pending_duration": 20.0,
      "algorithm_type": "Best"
  "learning_model": {
    "type": "Exponential",
    "value": {
      "alpha": 0.99
  "init_iteration_counter": 1,
  "stopping_criteria": [
      "type": "MaxIteration",
      "value": 2
      "type": "DepartureTime",
      "value": [
  "update_ratio": 1.0,
  "random_seed": 19960813,
  "nb_threads": 24

Running the Simulator


Output Files

Metropolis output 7 different file types:
  • log.txt: text file with the log of the simulation
  • report.html: HTML file with a summary table and graphs
  • iteration{n}.json: JSON file with aggregate results, for each iteration
  • running_time.json: JSON file with running times for the different parts of the simulator
  • agent_results.json.zst: compressed JSON file with agent-specific results
  • skim_results.json.zst: compressed JSON file with network skim results (i.e., OD pair travel times)
  • weight_results.json.zst: compressed JSON file with network weight results (i.e., edges' travel times)






Application Example

Running a full-scale application of Metropolis can be done in 5 steps (there is a Python script for each step):
  1. Pre-processing the road network (e.g., from OpenStreetMap data)
  2. Connecting the origin/destination zones to the road network through connectors
  3. Generating the population
  4. Filtering the trips from the population that should be simulated
  5. Writing the Metropolis input files

Pre-Processing the Road Network

  • Compatible data sources: OpenStreetMap and HERE
  • Country-level and region-level OpenStreetMap data can be downloaded from
  • Filters can be used to discard less relevant roads (e.g., roads tagged as "residential" in OpenStreetMap)

Creating Connectors

  • Trips' departure/arrival points are aggregated at an origin/destination zone level
  • In France, IRIS zones are a good compromise between accuracy and running time
  • Virtual nodes are created to represent the departure/arrival points of the trips in a zone
  • Connectors (virtual edges) are created to connect the virtual nodes to the road network

Generating and Filtering the Population

  • A synthetic population can be created from Hörl and Balac (2021)'s methodology
  • Python scripts to convert the output from Hörl and Balac (2021) to data compatible with Metropolis
  • Filters: simulated period, modes
  • Intra-zonal trips are removed

Hörl, S. and Balac, M., 2021. Synthetic population and travel demand for Paris and Île-de-France based on open and publicly available data. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 130, p.103291.

Writing Metropolis Input Files

  • Python script to write the 3 Metropolis input JSON files from the output of the previous steps
  • Many parameters to choose and calibrate:
    • Vehicle length and PCE
    • Simulated period
    • Individual preferences (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)
    • Edges' capacities
    • Edges' constant travel times

Application: Île-de-France


  • What? First large-scale application of Metropolis v2, on Île-de-France
  • Goal? Show the capabilities of Metropolis v2 (in particular, for calibration)
  • Scope? Trips by car, morning peak hour

Input: Road network

  • Source: HERE
  • Roads with functional class 1 to 4 are selected (i.e., less important roads are removed)
  • 177 152 nodes and 308 027 edges

Input: Zones

  • The origin and destination of the trips is aggregated at the IRIS zone level
  • IRIS zones: created by INSEE, homogeneous buildings, population of around 2000 inhabitants
  • 5265 IRIS zones in Île-de-France
  • 992 IRIS zones in Paris
  • Zone area: 2.292 km2 (mean), 0.330 km2 (median)

Input: Connectors

  • Zones are connected to the road network through virtual roads, called connectors
  • A virtual node can have up to 4 connectors, in each direction (incoming and outgoing)
  • Connectors have 1 lane and a speed limit of 30 km/h

Data: Population

  • Trips are generated by combining many sources (INSEE census, travel survey, buildings data, etc.)
  • Filters: trips by car, from 3AM to 10AM, different origin and destination
  • Preference parameters chosen from the literature
  • 1 855 720 trips are simulated

Hörl, S. and Balac, M., 2021. Synthetic population and travel demand for Paris and Île-de-France based on open and publicly available data. *Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 130*, p.103291.

Trips to IRIS 930661102 (Saint-Denis - Plaine 02)

Trips from IRIS 930661102 (Saint-Denis - Plaine 02)

Running Metropolis

  1. Network skims computation: computes origin-destination travel times given edges' travel times
  2. Pre-day model: computes agents' mode, departure time and route choice
  3. Within-day model: simulates congestion
  4. Day-to-day model: computes expected edges' travel times given observed congestion

Network skims computation

  • Input: edges' travel-time functions
  • Algorithm: Time-dependent contraction hierarchies
  • Output: origin-destination travel-time functions
Geisberger, R. and Sanders, P., 2010. Engineering time-dependent many-to-many shortest paths computation. In 10th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS'10). Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik.

Pre-Day Model

  • Input: agents' characteristics and origin-destination travel-time functions
  • Step 1: Compute generalized costs
  • Step 2: Find chosen departure time (Continuous Logit Model)
  • Step 3: Find chosen route (fastest path given departure time)
  • Origin: 951270127 (Cergy – Justice-Heuruelles)
  • Destination: 930661102 (Saint-Denis – Plaine 02)
  • Value of time: 15 euros / hour
  • Early penalty: 7.5 euros / hour
  • Late penalty: 30 euros / hour
  • Desired arrival time: 09:15
\[ c(t_d, t_a) = \underbrace{\alpha \cdot (t_a - t_d)}_{\text{travel cost}} + \underbrace{\beta \cdot [t^* - t_a]_+ + \gamma \cdot [t_a - t^*]_+}_{\text{schedule-delay cost}} \]

Within-Day Model

  • Input: Chosen mode, departure time and route of each agent
  • Agents' actions are simulated in a chronological order
  • Congestion is simulated with speed-density functions and bottlenecks
  • Output: Edges' travel-time functions
Time Event
03:00:03 Agent 91735 leaves origin through edge 317770
03:00:11 Agent 111697 leaves origin through edge 161026
03:00:11 Agent 157315 leaves origin through edge 99613
03:00:18 Agent 134340 leaves origin through edge 68763
03:00:21 Agent 152934 leaves origin through edge 137501
03:00:31 Agent 43475 leaves origin through edge 16265
03:00:34 Agent 111697 takes edge 161020

Day-to-Day Model

  • Input: Expected and simulated edges' travel-time functions
  • Learning process based on Markov decision processes
  • Stop the simulation if a stopping criteria is reached (e.g., maximum number of iterations, difference between expected and simulated travel times)
  • Output: Expected edges' travel-time functions for next iteration
\[ {tt}^e_{\tau + 1} = \lambda \cdot {tt}^e_{\tau} + (1 - \lambda) \cdot {tt}^s_{\tau} \]


Travel time penalties at intersections are calibrated to match travel time distribution


Distribution of desired arrival times is calibrated to match arrival time distribution


Cost of congestion: 3€ TO BE COMPLETED


What happen if we remove 20% of agents at random? TO BE COMPLETED


Public Transit


Future improvements

  • Automatic computation of air pollution
  • Road maintenance
  • Ride-sharing