Finding Departure-Time Nash Equilibrium in a Generic Bottleneck Model: An Heuristic Approach

Lucas Javaudin


Master Thesis


The bottleneck model has been extensively studied in the literature. Solving the model analytically usually require strong assumptions, such as linear utility functions, commuter homogeneity or single-road network. We propose an heuristic algorithm which can approximate the Nash equilibrium of the bottleneck model with less restrictive assumptions. Through simulations, we show that the algorithm provides a good approximation of the equilibrium under various assumptions. We then use the algorithm to study the effect of commuter heterogeneity and agglomeration economies on congestion during rush hour. Finally, we show that the paradox from Arnott et al. (1993) still holds with time-varying scheduling preferences.


Bottleneck model; Departure-time choice; Nash equilibrium; Algorithm; Commuter heterogeneity; Agglomeration economies


  author  = "Lucas Javaudin",
  title   = {{Finding Departure-Time Nash Equilibrium in a Generic Bottleneck Model: An Heuristic Approach}},
  school  = "ENSAE Paris",
  year    = 2020,
  type    = "Master Thesis",
  address = "Palaiseau, France",
  month   = 8,